Giveaway Details!

ok, in light of being screwed by a certain unfair contest multiple times, we are going to hold our own contest-thing (read: not so much of a contest, as an incentive-based event).  we need an ego-boost. so we're going to give away prizes based on the number of followers/subscribers and video views.  here's the deal:

For every 500th (i.e. #500, #1000, #1500, etc.) subscriber to our blog OR youtube (yup, 2 chances to win, yay!), we're going to hold a drawing and give away a prize!  AND we'll donate to charities such as the RSDSA (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association) and others TBD.

To be clear... EVERY subscriber for the site that is being drawn is entered into the drawing... it's a celebration of the milestone, not an award to the 500th person.  but we'll call-out said person as the impetus for the drawing and say you're awesome, etc... (i'm not sure if that was clear...feel free to ask questions... in other words, if the blog gets 500 subscribers, then all the subscribers to the blog get entered into that particular drawing.  it is site-specific.  hence, 2 chances to win!  actually, there'll be more chances to win...see below)

So please tell everyone you know to follow/subscribe to both our blog (this thing) AND our youtube channel (2nd link below)!!

AAAALLLLLSOOOOO.... when a selected video of ours reaches 500,000 plays (and every 500K thereafter), we'll hold another drawing.  AND donate more to charity! oh yeah!  

ps...i dunno why we picked 500... seemed like a good number.  and it's the biggest bill in monopoly play-money.  

let the incentive-based event commence!